Welcome to IMCC 2021
The 19th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC 2021) will be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China during 17-19 November, 2021. IMCC has been successfully held for 18 times and held every two years since 1983. The topics have been broadened to all fields of advanced manufacturing technology. Since the 15th IMCC, the conference is sponsored by the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP) and the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering (CMES),and organized by Chinese Production Engineering Institution (CPEI).
The 19th International Manufacturing Conference (IMCC 2021) is organized by the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) and Chinese Extreme Manufacturing Institution (CEMI). During the conference, the excellent project reports and exhibitions related to the mechanical engineering subject will be organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Scholars and experts from all over the world will be present to exchange the latest research findings and developments in manufacturing technology.
Conference Topics (But not limited)
●Advanced manufacturing and equipment
●Digital design and manufacturing
●Extreme manufacturing
●Intelligent manufacturing
●Additive manufacturing
●Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (ACSM)
●MEMS and micro-nano manufacturing
●High performance transmission and equipment
●Ultra-precision manufacturing
●High energy beam machining
●Electro-machining (EDM/ECM)
●Material forming technology
●Mold & Die manufacturing and molding technology
●Modern design theory and method
●Precision measurement and characterization
●Modern manufacturing system and management
●Green manufacturing and consumption reduction
●Digital twin
●Other areas related to manufacturing technology
Important Dates
Deadline for abstracts: June 30th, 2021
Acceptance notice for abstracts: July 15th, 2021
Deadline for the full text: August 15th, 2021
Notification of Acceptance and Revision: August 25th, 2021
Deadline for Revision: September 10th, 2021
Registration: October 15th, 2021
Meeting date: November 17th -19th, 2021
Parallel Sessions
1. Precision manufacturing and advanced testing technology
2. The Sino-German Manufacturing Forum
3. Extreme Manufacturing
4. High-end Forum on Digital Twin
5. High Performance Manufacturing
6. Microsystems and Micro&nano Manufacturing
7. NSFC Project Report Session
Paper Submission
All papers should be written in English. Format of the papers should follow the template specified in the IMCC2021 website and submitted in the submission system on the conference website.